Notable Sachem Alumni Mentor High School Students

Four notable Sachem alumni spoke with students at Sachem High School East on Thursday, May 25 as part of the latest installment of the Sachem Alumni Speaker Series.

The alumni speakers, from various graduating classes and professional disciplines, shared stories about their careers and how Sachem helped shaped their lives.

Speakers included …

  • Stephen Costello, ’79, Business executive, best-selling author, Sachem Hall of Honor inductee
  • Jerry Figgiani, ’78, Martial arts expert, motivational speaker, Sachem Hall of Honor Inductee
  • Michael Lau, ’86, COO of Roundhill Music
  • Danielle Turner, ’02, Director of Health, Physical Education and Athletics, Port Jefferson Schools

The Sachem Alumni Speaker Series aims to put notable individuals from Sachem’s vast alumni base in front of current students with the hope of inspiring them to future success.

“Our student body is the future and they will represent Sachem in their lives and careers forever,” said Chris R. Vaccaro, ’04, president and founder of the Sachem Alumni Association. “If we can inspire just one student with these mentor sessions, it’s a success. But I’m confident hundreds, if not thousands, of students will take away valuable life lessons thanks to our incredible alumni base.”

Quotables …

Costello: “You have to be dedicated to what you really want. Your network is your net worth.”

Figgiani: “To be able to have a life where you enjoy what you do is the goal, and having that Sachem pride makes it even better.”

Lau: “All of the things I’ve done in my career have prepared me for the roll I have today. Whether you’re in high school or going to college, never think you’re not going to be able to do something.”

Turner: “Without my experience and opportunities at Sachem I definitively would not have been on this path. There is just something special about Sachem, something different than most places.”

About the Sachem Alumni Association: The Sachem Alumni Association, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to upholding the tradition of excellence instilled in students while they attended the Sachem Central School District and as they continue to carry those values and principles later in life, with the purpose of enriching relationships and fostering educational support within the Sachem community. The Sachem Alumni Association, Please follow the Sachem Alumni Association on, like us on Twitter @SachemAlumni and visit for more information.

Stephen Costello, Class of 1979
Jerry Figgiani, Class of 1978
Michael Lau, Class of 1986

Danielle Turner, Class of 2002